Versioni & Changelog

In questa pagina racchiudiamo tutte le modifiche effettuate al modulo e dei suoi sottomoduli ed i loro rilasci. La versione del proprio modulo nella versione di Magento 1.9.x è visibile nella sezione in alto del pannello di configurazione dei metodi di pagamento:

Are you ready to use the BNL payment v. method? Click here to learn more.

La versione del sotto-modulo si trova al fianco del nome.

Per la versione di Magento 2.x basta leggere il file module.xml presente nella cartella "etc" del modulo.

Attenzione: Il modulo è in continua evoluzione e per questo motivo vi invitiamo a seguirci su Twitter ed a pubblicare una recensione al primo utilizzo per ricevere oltretutto uno sconto alla scadenza dell'assistenza tecnica direttamente al link:


Magento è in continua evoluzione così come le estensioni realizzate dalla Shine Software. Le funzionalità vengono analizzate, programmate, sviluppate e testate. Di seguito le funzionalità esposte dal metodo di pagamento ed integrate nelle versioni di Magento.


Magento 1.9.3.x

Magento > 2.x

Hosted 3D Secure




















Magento 1.9.3.x

* b938c52 - (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Save the comment after the callback by the bank servers 
* f30e24e - Fixed amount bug 
* 514c3cc - Module rule has been fixed Check transaction has been improved 
* 303ab0e - Translation for store views of the common title and description fields Fixed minor bugs 
* e713b21 - Check and fix of the amount in the hosted and mybank gateway 
* 902b44b - BNL Verify Transaction button has been added in the order page Cron has been improved 
* b037144 - MyBank Inquiry has been improved Hosted controller has been fixed Payment description error has been fixed 
* 99e3864 - fixed minor bugs in the Utils class 
* 800370f - MyBank issues fixed! 
* 3073ca3 - MyBank issues fixed! 
* 24389e9 - Template files have been updated 
* 2b3ca9a - New fixes and improvements in all the gateways fixed minor bugs 
* ac25f56 - Common currency codes have been integrated in the code (compilation issue) Clear log & Reset tool has been improved MoTo terminal id has been fixed System configuration panel has been updated Log management has been improved minor bug fixes 
* bd46eca - Debug option has been improved in the hosted method 
* f5daed6 - Findomestic, Moto, Wallet, MyBank, Paypal, Masterpass have been added 
* 598e78b - (tag: Initial commit

Magento 2.x

2fb4894 - (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) [fix] - Send Order Confirmation Email After Successful Payment 
3a28065 - [fix] - Constructor has been improved 
3ff1eca - [fix] - Constructor parameters have been updated 
45481ab - [wip] - Igfs Class is now a dependency mattiabasone/pagonline 
4ac06e6 - [fix] - composer.json has been updated 
1b0b7ba - [fix] - License module has been improved 
de09d91 - [fix] - Useless module has been removed 
c78244b - [fix] - request template has been fixed temporary 
7c07531 - [fix] - Temporary fix for the PSR-4 need to improve the package 
c77896f - [fix] - composer.json has been updated 
a55cddd - [fix] - Module Version has been updated 
e78906e - license core path has been fixed 
b1463cb - Composer path has been fixed 
7bc5e30 - Magento 2.3.0: Implement below code to skip the CSRF check on your custom route called outside Magento environment. This implementation does not break core frontend/adminhtml routes, Magento 2.3/2.2/2.1 web stores. 
8bee3fe - Cron feature has been added. This feature check if there are orfan orders set as payment review. Findomestic module has been added for the first beta Logo feature has been fixed. Now when the payment title is empty a logo appears 
700aaf5 - Cron Payment Check has been created Cron Payment Check has been created 
2738733 - Cron Payment Check has been created 
c7854aa - module version has been updated 
350df63 - Merge branch 'master' of  
1e74d3e - module version has been updated 
905771e - module version has been updated Verify the order and the action cancel the order if the transaction is not confirmed from the bank server 
3c119c0 - AUTH method is the default method. If the user need to capture automatically the credit he/she must enable the Auto Invoice feauture. Autoinvoice feature has been added! Logging messages have been added. 
8acda28 - Refactoring for new PADL system 
93e01eb - Refactoring for new PADL system 
a430c4e - Checkout Agreement acceptance has been fix Minor Bug has been fixed 
67a08bc - Call back has been upgraded in the hosted solution Request of the additional information has been updated for Magento 2.2 
ed31d36 - Call back has been upgraded in the hosted solution Request of the additional information has been updated for Magento 2.2 
9d5ac57 - (tag: 2.1.7) Clean up old code 
0c79f3b - readme file updated 
2fb4894 - (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) [fix] - Send Order Confirmation Email After Successful Payment 
3a28065 - [fix] - Constructor has been improved 
3ff1eca - [fix] - Constructor parameters have been updated 
45481ab - [wip] - Igfs Class is now a dependency mattiabasone/pagonline 
4ac06e6 - [fix] - composer.json has been updated 
1b0b7ba - [fix] - License module has been improved 
de09d91 - [fix] - Useless module has been removed 
c78244b - [fix] - request template has been fixed temporary 
7c07531 - [fix] - Temporary fix for the PSR-4 need to improve the package 
c77896f - [fix] - composer.json has been updated 
a55cddd - [fix] - Module Version has been updated 
e78906e - license core path has been fixed 
b1463cb - Composer path has been fixed 
7bc5e30 - Magento 2.3.0: Implement below code to skip the CSRF check on your custom route called outside Magento environment. This implementation does not break core frontend/adminhtml routes, Magento 2.3/2.2/2.1 web stores. 
8bee3fe - Cron feature has been added. This feature check if there are orfan orders set as payment review. Findomestic module has been added for the first beta Logo feature has been fixed. Now when the payment title is empty a logo appears 
700aaf5 - Cron Payment Check has been created Cron Payment Check has been created 
2738733 - Cron Payment Check has been created 
c7854aa - module version has been updated 
350df63 - Merge branch 'master' of 
1e74d3e - module version has been updated 
905771e - module version has been updated Verify the order and the action cancel the order if the transaction is not confirmed from the bank server  
3c119c0 - AUTH method is the default method. If the user need to capture automatically the credit he/she must enable the Auto Invoice feauture. Autoinvoice feature has been added! Logging messages have been added. 
8acda28 - Refactoring for new PADL system 
93e01eb - Refactoring for new PADL system 
a430c4e - Checkout Agreement acceptance has been fix Minor Bug has been fixed 
67a08bc - Call back has been upgraded in the hosted solution Request of the additional information has been updated for Magento 2.2 
ed31d36 - Call back has been upgraded in the hosted solution Request of the additional information has been updated for Magento 2.2 
9d5ac57 - (tag: 2.1.7) Clean up old code 
0c79f3b - readme file updated 
547979d - first commit (hosted, mybank, masterpass)

Last updated